Special natural beauty ritual at age 30

À partir de 30 ans , ta peau commence à montrer des signes de fatigue et les premiers signes de vieillissement prématuré deviennent visibles plus facilement.

C'est à ce stade que tu dois vraiment comprendre ton type de peau afin de prendre les bonnes mesures .

Si tu te demandes quelle crème choisir pour prévenir les premières rides , l'essentiel est d'adopter une nouvelle routine de beauté adaptée à ton âge pour protéger efficacement ta peau avec des soins spécifiques.

Parmi les pratiques de beauté à intégrer immédiatement dans ta routine de soins du visage à 30 ans , il y a l'utilisation quotidienne d'une crème hydratante avec protection solaire , l'application de produits spécifiques pour le contour des yeux , le gommage pour un teint radieux , ainsi que des soins ciblés comme les sérums ou les crèmes de nuit . Voici nos conseils incontournables pour prendre soin de ta peau à 30 ans !

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After you turn 30, your skin takes longer to recover, signs of fatigue appear on your face, and the first markers of premature ageing may begin to be seen.

Don’t know what cream to use to prevent your first wrinkles ? The most important thing is to adopt a new beauty ritual suited to your age so you can effectively preserve your skin by means of targeted treatments.

Some of the beauty habits you should immediately incorporate into your face care routine at age 30 include a moisturising treatment with a sun filter, specific eye care products, a scrub for a radiant complexion and targeted treatments like a serum or night cream.

Here are our top tips for taking care of your skin at age 30!

Cleanse your face: The foundations of your beauty routine

Cleaning your skin with a special lotion or milk is the most basic beauty step that you should never overlook! You see, cleansing your face allows you to:

⦁ let your skin breathe
⦁ reactivate your microcirculation
⦁ enjoy a radiant complexion.

Combine a day treatment with a night cream

In the morning, use a facial treatment rich in antioxidants like pink algae to counter oxidative stress, which can cause the appearance of the first signs of ageing.

In the evening, apply a night cream to stimulate the natural skin repair and regeneration process.

Add a serum to your beauty routine

A serum acts as a supplement to your day and night creams, targeting a specific skin issue.

With its concentrated active ingredients and fluid texture, this treatment is ideal for penetrating your skin. You can boost its effectiveness by applying it in the morning, before your day cream.

A serum that is rich in antioxidants protects your skin cells from the free radicals that cause premature skin ageing.

Treat the area around your eyes with a dedicated product

The thinner, more delicate skin around your eyes deserve your full attention each and every day! An eye treatment’s texture should be fresh and light, and it should produce decongestant effects. Apply it in the morning and evening for a rested, smoother look.

Use a weekly scrub and mask

It is recommended that you exfoliate with a gentle scrub once a week, or every other week if your skin is sensitive. A scrub allows you to regain smooth, soft skin, radiating with beauty.

After the scrub, supplement the treatment with a mask applied to your entire face and neck for a moisturising, plumping effect.

Treat yourself to a spa facial every three months

Getting a facial at a spa is the ideal way to optimise your home beauty routine.

You can choose between different kinds of treatments depending on your skin:
⦁ a radiance-developing mask for dull skin
⦁ a detoxifying, energising treatment for tired skin
⦁ an anti-ageing treatment to combat the appearance of your first wrinkles
⦁ a purity and freshness ritual for skin with imperfections
⦁ a moisturising treatment for dry skin
⦁ etc.

Whether you are looking to cleanse your skin deep down, target a specific problem or reap the benefits of a wrinkle-fighting action, this spa facial will truly help to restore your skin’s health and beauty!

Want to preserve your skin’s youth and beauty? Read our beauty tips to find out when you should establish an anti-wrinkle routine.

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