How to get rid of nasolabial folds

Faire disparaître nos rides sur le visage est délicat. Les sillons nasogéniens se creusent entre la bouche et le nez. On cherche tous LA solution ! Pour s'en débarrasser, certains produits naturels sont efficaces.

On préconise une méthode dite "in and out". De l'intérieur, l'hydratation, l'alimentation et l'hygiène de vie réparent la peau. De l'extérieur, les soins et les principes actifs comblent les plis pour retendre la peau .

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Making wrinkles on your face disappear is a delicate process. Nasolabial folds develop between the mouth and the nose. Certain natural products are effective at getting rid of them.

From the inside, hydration, diet and lifestyle can help repair the skin. From the outside, oils and active ingredients can fill in the furrows to tighten the skin.

Filling in nasolabial folds from the inside

The beauty and youthfulness of facial skin are indicators of a healthy body. Like all cells, those in the face need to be nourished and hydrated in order to function correctly.

Hydration as a treatment for nasolabial folds

Dried-out skin loses its elasticity and allows wrinkles to form. And the skin in nasolabial folds is no exception to the rule. These creases in the skin intensify into furrows.

Good hydration is a solid first step to filling these folds. An anti-ageing cream with active plumping ingredients like hyaluronic acid can increase that hydration.

Diet to revive collagen production

The beauty of your skin, especially on your neck and face, can also be achieved through what you eat.

Certain nutrients can rekindle the production of collagen, which naturally fills in the nasolabial folds. Vitamin C and zinc are precursors of collagen.

Lifestyle in aid of facial beauty

Any doctor will tell you that lifestyle affects the ageing of your skin. The result is the appearance of dark circles and wrinkles in the face, and especially around the lips and nasolabial folds.

So, do away with tobacco, alcohol and sun, all of which can damage your skin and lips. After just a few weeks, your nasolabial folds will regain their elasticity. They will start to fill in, all on their own.

Filling in nasolabial folds from the outside

To fill in your nasolabial folds, certain outside contributors can redefine this part of your face. Without having recourse to cosmetic injections, oils and hyaluronic acid can yield positive results.

Nourishing oils for a filler effect

Evening primrose and borage oils can restructure your skin’s collagen fibres. Argan oil moisturises the epidermis. Their synergistic actions combine to tighten the skin on the face and neck. They restructure and erase these creases.

Essential oils as skin care treatments

Essential oils regenerate skin cells. They also tighten the pores. By boosting the firmness of facial skin, essential oils can decrease nasolabial folds on either side of the nose and mouth.

The essential oils that offer this natural aesthetic facial treatment are:

⦁ camphor laurel
⦁ rose geranium
⦁ curry plant (Helichrysum italicum)
⦁ Damask rose.

Main natural active ingredients for erasing furrows at the nose and mouth

Hyaluronic acid and collagen are the most effective active ingredients when it comes to lessening nasolabial folds. Those molecules are often included in oral treatments and creams provided by anti-ageing medicine. Their efficacy has been proved.

Aesthetic medicine for fast results

Cosmetic surgery offers filler treatments in the form of botox or hyaluronic acid injections. Sometimes, particularly in the case of acne, your doctor may recommend a laser treatment. While their results are fast and long-lasting, failures in some patients can be disastrous.

Many natural treatments are available to reduce bitterness folds and nasolabial folds. Creams, oils and the proper diet can tighten the skin thanks to the combined action of hyaluronic acid and collagen.

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